The Promise
The Promise
May 15, 2022
Not called to be spectators but to make a difference in our world
Not just called, but also empowered
KEY POINT: God has what we need for the days we are in
TEXT: Acts 2:17-21
The Promise
The last days: when God would begin to act to make right
A time marked by the outpouring of God’s Spirit on people
ACTS 1:4-5
The Purpose
The work of creation and re-creation:
The purpose of the word and the Spirit: Assemble and animate
Acts 1:8 – An empowering that unleashes the divine potential in our lives so that we can be witnesses for him
Experiencing the Promise
Begins with Surrender
Yielding our hearts to him
Repentance: a need for change
Being his witness by being in his way/purpose
Involves purposeful Seeking
Pursuing something truly needed (Luke 11:9-13)
Desire something greater
Requires learning to Stay until
Luke 24:29
Jesus knew that if we were going to serve his purpose, we needed the empowering of the Holy Spirit
RESPONSE: Lord, we need the empowerment of the Holy Spirit! We’re here and we’re waiting!