April 16, 2023

Finding Courage

Passage: John 20:`9-23
Service Type:

A Reason to Hope

April 9, 2023





A Reason to Hope: to believe that there is a better future that is available to each of us and all of us


KEY POINT: The resurrection of Jesus gives everyone a reason to hope


TEXT: John 19:1-18


Jesus came to disrupt the darkness (vv. 1-2)

Darkness is more than just the absence of light, it is the absence of good: it’s not just a physical reality but a moral and spiritual reality as well


SIN: humanity’s rejection of God’s way, choosing rather their own way; the sense that we know better than God how to experience the good life


Though his death, Jesus bore the penalty for sin and with his resurrection demonstrated his power over sin and death


Jesus is closer to you than you think (vv. 11-14)

Sometimes, when we are in midst of daily struggles that we fail to notice what is around us—our struggles become so big that it is hard to see anything else


God has not given up on us…but he comes and meets us right where we are at


Jesus cares more than you realize (v. 15)

Often people view God as merely demanding: the God of commandments, but he is also the God of questions—inviting us to wrestle with where we are at


Those moments where you wrestle deeply, searching for answers and processing loss invite his presence


Jesus wants to transform your life with his life (vv. 16-18)

When he spoke her name, everything changed!

His life was for her life—a life not limited by earthly scarcity but empowered by heaven’s abundance


What do we do?


Acknowledge our need

Being honest with him in his presence

Recognizing that our sin has set death in motion and we can’t undo it ourselves


Deciding that it is time for a change—a new direction


Receive His gift of life

Jesus wants to give us the gift of life—to unburden us from our sin and shame

A life not defined by our history, hurts, and habits, but by his grace


Allow His life to move you

Letting his hope begin to empower you to live the life you were created for—the one God intended


RESPONSE: Jesus, I put my hope in you—may your life give me life!

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