Beautiful Places
Beautiful Places
May 21, 2023
Think about some of the most beautiful places you have been?
Think not just about what you saw, but how it made you feel?
KEY POINT: Beautiful places encourage human flourishing
Flourishing: for people to experience the fullness of life
Rooted in relationship with Jesus: John 10:10—life to the full!
TEXT: Genesis 1:1-3, 2:8-15
The Spirit of God is hovering over the chaos to create something beautiful (Gen. 1:1-2)
Description of the state of the earth before God acts upon it:
Formless and empty: unexpressed potential
Darkness was over the surface of the deep: Uncertain and unsettling
YET…the Spirit of God is hovering over the waters…ready to move and act…so that his creation may flourish
Order helps create the optimal conditions for flourishing (Gen. 1:3)
As Genesis 1 unfolds, God acts upon a formless and empty world to form it (days 1-3) and fill it (days 4-6)
The Word of God is an ordering element: It assembles, it organizes
Temptation of Chapter 3: Make humanity think that God uses his word to withhold good rather than to enable good
Beauty helps bring out our best (Gen. 2:8-15)
Eden: A walled garden—orchard, beauty, a place of delight
It was the place God placed humanity for their flourishing
Creating Beautiful Places
Inviting the Spirit to transform our homes
He still hovers over the chaos, ready to bring beauty to our homes
Picking a room to ‘order’
Starting small—pick a room
Doing something rather than nothing
Small disciplines lived out through time make a big difference
Working together
This is our home! We all have a responsibility toward its care
“If you can walk, you can work”
Enjoying the space
The Garden of Eden was meant to be enjoyed: A place for rest, connection, and peace
RESPONSE: Holy Spirit, I invite you to into the chaos of our home to bring beauty and life